Friday, March 9, 2012

* Green Tea - a fairy *

One of my daily routine! A tea bag which serves you like a fairy! I could just list few imp benefits out of many. Chk deez out!

Awesome for Weight Loss! It has been scientifically proven that drinking green tea, increases our metabolism and helps us shed fat! Yup, making us slim up faster and much easier! (^_^)
Avoids Dental Cavities! One small study found that drinking green tea helped prevent dental cavities.
Best for hair! Incorporating green tea into your diet may help combat or help prevent hair loss. One of the most powerful antioxidants in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).Research also suggests that green tea can help with scalp conditions such as dandruff and psoriasis by soothing skin and reducing inflammation.Green tea also contains vitamin C, vitamin E and panthenol, which are all common ingredients in hair conditioner. Vitamin E restores dry or damaged hair, while vitamin C guards against damage from UV radiation. Panthenol, a provitamin, strengthens and softens hair and prevents split ends.
AMAZING for Skin! We all know antioxidants are great for skin and green tea is full of them, but what exactly are they for? Wellll, as we age, our skin cells begin to oxidize, which means they shrivel up, wrinkle and scar more easily—NOT FUN! Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that not only help prevent all of this from happening, but actually help reverse skin damage! This will keep you young and fresh! Make this a regular habit and ull for sure oberver the health of ur skin improving.
Bag of Vitamins! Green tea is packed full of vitamins A, C & E, which are ingredients that are necessary for gorgeousness inside out! Ill defenitely not expect more than this in a bag of tea!

How to prepare:
Well, u neednt actually boil the leaves and bla bla bla.
Thankfully these days you find this awsome food packed into TEA BAGS.
Jus take a cup of warm/hot water and drop a tea bag into it!

Where to get?
There are many brands out there producing this. You can find them at any supermarkets.

Does it tastes yummy?
 Denefitely not! Its bitter :(  But then, good things are always bitter to taste :p
I myself use Himalaya Green Tea Bags (less bitter than other brands).

~ Shilpa

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