Friday, March 9, 2012

* Rose water - Homemade *

Well, most of us rush to the store  to buy rosewater! Here is one simple way to make one at home!

Benefits :

Rose water is an absolute beauty must-have, especially if you suffer from acne, pimples or any other skin problem. The antiseptic and anti-microbial properties of rose water can kill bacteria that cause those sudden those scary BREAKOUTS!
You can use rose water by itself as a toner (astringent) to tighten pores and rejuvenate tired skin, as a soothing under eye treatment to get rid of dark eye circles or puffy eyes, to moisten a face mask, or as a base in many homemade facial recipes.
Rose water can also be used as an aftershave to soothe irritated skin (unisex :p)

Ull need :

Handful of rose petals .Dried rose buds also works beautifully.
2 cups water, boiling.

Procedure :

In a bowl, place the roses and pour water on top. Cover with a plate and let sit for a few hours. Using a strainer, drain water into a spray bottle and keep with you. You can use this several times a day!

~  Shilpa

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